Here are 3 ways the colors you choose to use may have on an effect, good or bad, on those that land on your platform!
Forms an Impression
colors give certain impressions to readers simply due to 'conditioning'
we/they have experienced as part of the culture or social environment
in which we/they are exposed! For instance red means stop or danger to
many, green can indicate clear passage or go and while even the color
pink has been use to calm or pacify! Serious consideration must be given
to your use of colors when blogging insofar as how they may 'align'
with your intentions! In fact the 'tone' of your platform can be
tempered by a particular color therefore if you want to gain and not
lose readers these fundamental design 'issues' must be addressed!
Affects Readability (Comfort)
The brightness
of your fonts or even backgrounds can make for greater eye strain! Not
good especially if you're hoping people will spend time on your site!
Here too you want to make your visitors 'visual' experience as pleasant
as possible so people will remain on your site and read your updates! If
people can't or don't view what your site has to offer your chances of
experiencing any degree of blog success simply drifts away! This is true
regardless of whether you offer high quality content or mere rubbish!
Disrupts Focus
The use of colors whether it is particular selections or even the use of too many,
can easily distract visitors keeping them from receiving the 'message'
you're trying to send! Squeeze pages are designed to minimize
distractions by not trying to communicate too many points or being too 'colorful' for the very reason they can be distracting! The same exact principle is involved with your blog
design as well! You want readers attention to be drawn to the high
quality content you have to offer and not to be distracted by anything
else on your site!
When designing a blog your use of colors needs
to be done with consideration as to how they may affect visitors to
your site! Having a good design can definitely contribute to your blog
success however selecting the wrong colors can also limit you as well!
The discussion above points out 3 ways in which your color choices can
impact those who land on your platform! It is in these areas your
consideration is most needed in your use of colors! Since the design
itself can have such an impact it almost doesn't even matter what type
of high quality content you have to offer! If people find their focus
disrupted in any way, what you wrote will not even be read thereby
limiting your blog success!
Author : TJ Philpott
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